
Resources for Mental Health and Substance Abuse in Santa Monica

Drug and alcohol addiction are serious public health issues. In Los Angeles County, California this is especially true as 1 in 4 adults there are expected to develop a diagnosable substance use disorder in their lifetime. This is highly concerning as substance abuse and addiction lead to a number of social, psychological, and physical consequences. In fact, suffering from mental illnesses is often what causes people to start abusing substances in the first place. Luckily, there are California resources available to help people overcome both their substance use disorders and mental health disorders.

There is a way out of the cycles of drug abuse and its resulting consequences. Rehab facilities provide people with substance use disorders with safe, healthy environments to recover in.

There are many different types of rehabs in Santa Monica, ranging from outpatient treatment programs to long-term residential care. Depending on each patient’s individual needs, the rehab programs that we offer here at Tulua Health can assist you on your journey to a drug-free future.

California Mental Health Statistics

  • 5,566,000 California adults suffer from mental illnesses.
  • 1,243,000 California adults suffer from serious mental illnesses.
  • 396,000 California-based kids that are between the ages of 12-17 suffer from depression.
  • In February 2021, 46.1% of adults in California suffered from symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • 4.5% of adults in California had serious thoughts of suicide in 2018-2019. This was similar to the 4.6% U.S. share of adults with serious thoughts of suicide around that time.
  • In February 2021, 21.9% of California-based adults could not get the counseling and/or therapy they needed.
  • Of the 1,562,000 California-based adults who didn’t receive the necessary mental health care in 2021, 35.3% did not go because of cost. This is especially true since 7.8% of people in California are uninsured.

Additional California Mental Health Statistics

  • It also doesn’t help that Californians are five times more likely to be forced out-of-network for mental health care than primary health care.
  • Also, 9,398,534 people in California reside in communities that don’t have enough mental health professionals.
  • Among 2021 adults in California who reported experiencing anxiety and/or depressive disorder symptoms, 29.9% reported needing counseling or therapy but did not receive it in the past four weeks. This is in comparison to the U.S. average of 26.9% of people reporting needing counseling or therapy but not receiving it in the past four weeks.
  • In California, 71% (2,061,000) of adults with mild mental illness, 64.6% (1,023,000) of adults with moderate mental illness, and 39.1% (533,000) of adults with serious mental illness in the past year did not receive mental health treatment.
  • California-based adults with mental illnesses enrolled in large employer health plans have average out-of-pocket spending for all services that is higher than that of California-based adults without mental illnesses ($1,106 vs. $470.) This doesn’t include payments for services that these California-based adults don’t claim under their employee coverage.
  • California-based adults with mental illnesses that are enrolled in large employer health plans have higher average total health care spending than those without mental illnesses ($9,252 vs. $3,559.)

Contact TuluaHealth Today!

If you are interested in learning more about our treatment center, feel free to reach out to one of our mental health specialists today! All calls are private.

California Substance Abuse Statistics

  • In 2020, 1,300 deaths related to opioid overdose were reported in Los Angeles County.
  • In California, emergency departments reported 5,664 visits were due to overdoses in 2020.
  • 3,946 deaths related to fentanyl overdose were reported in the state of California.
  • In Los Angeles County, 11.1billion in lost revenue is attributed to the amount of money both spent on healthcare and lost in wages due to alcohol abuse.
  • Between 2006 and 2017, heroin-related emergency department visits increased 426% for individuals between the ages of 18 and 34.
  • 34% of individuals in Los Angeles County, between the ages of 18 and 25, admitted to binge drinking regularly in 2019.
  • In the state of California, 8.4% of the population had a diagnosable substance use disorder (SUD), but only 0.4% sought treatment.
  • In Los Angeles County, drug overdose is believed to cause individuals, on average, to die 30 years prematurely.

How to Tell if You or a Loved One is Suffering from an Addiction

Every addiction looks different. There are a host of symptoms that are commonly exhibited by individuals who suffer from substance use disorders. Often, when people suffer from substance addictions, they are unable to recognize them on their own. In these cases, it may be up to friends and family to encourage such people to seek treatment. This is especially important as addiction treatment can be life-saving if someone is using a drug that can lead to overdose, coma, or death.

If you are worried that you or a loved one may suffer from substance addiction, there are telltale behavioral signs. These telltale signs include the following:

  • Taking drugs in greater quantities or for a longer period of time than intended
  • Craving drugs and being unable to control drug use
  • Experiencing negative consequences as a result of frequent drug use
  • Sudden onset of mood swings
  • Losing interest in previously loved hobbies and activities
  • Struggling to maintain productivity at school or work
  • Neglecting obligations
  • Ignoring health side effects caused by drug use
  • Hiding drugs or hiding drug use
  • Denying use of drugs or alcohol
  • Wanting to stop using drugs or alcohol but being unable to
  • Neglecting personal hygiene
  • Lying or stealing in order to obtain more drugs
  • Unexplainable financial issues

Many of these signs are common behavioral signs of addiction. There are also physical signs that people with substance addictions often exhibit. Some of these physical signs include the following:

  • Drastic weight loss
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Insomnia
  • Dilated pupils
  • Slurred speech
  • Looking disheveled
  • Poor coordination
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety

Contact TuluaHealth Today!

The presence of these signs and symptoms should not be taken lightly. If you are worried that you or a loved one may be struggling with substance addiction, it is important to seek professional help as soon as possible.

For those struggling with substance addictions in the state of California, there are numerous California resources for addiction treatment at rehab facilities such as Tulua Health. The sooner that addiction treatment is completed, the higher the chances of beating addiction.

Behavioral Health Levels Of Care

The first step in getting help for substance addiction is to acknowledge that there is a problem. Once you have recognized that there is an issue, the next step is finding the right treatment program for your needs. If you are looking for drug rehab in Santa Monica, you should know that there are many different California resources and types of treatment programs available to assist with your recovery. At Tulua Health, we understand that addiction is a serious disease that requires specialized care. While inpatient treatments can be highly effective for fighting addiction, outpatient programs allow patients to continue their normal daily activities while receiving treatment. This is why we here at Tulua Health offer three levels of outpatient treatment: our traditional outpatient program, an intensive outpatient program, and a partial hospitalization program. These outpatient care programs vary in intensity and program duration. However, each program will provide you with the same tools needed to maintain sobriety and live a healthy life. If you are struggling with a substance use disorder, the following levels of care are California resources offered here at Tulua Health:

partial hospitalization program (PHP) is a more intensive outpatient treatment program that provides patients with a greater level of care. PHP patients typically attend the program for at least five days a week, several hours per day. Additionally, this type of program is ideal for those who are struggling with more severe addictions and co-occurring mental illnesses.

The intensive outpatient program (IOP) at Tulua Health is another one of our outpatient addiction treatment options. This program is meant to be attended a minimum of three days per week, for a few or so hours a day.

In addition to the education and counseling offered in the traditional outpatient program, the extended hours of an IOP can provide the added support that rehab patients need to overcome their addictions. IOPs are for those who need more than traditional outpatient care, but less than inpatient treatment. Additionally, this program, much like our traditional outpatient program, might be recommended after completing an inpatient program or a standalone treatment option.

Our traditional outpatient program can be a great starting point for rehab patients looking for an addiction treatment program. This type of outpatient addiction treatment program may also be highly beneficial for rehab patients who are continuing care after an inpatient addiction treatment program. Regardless of whether the patient is entering treatment for the first time or not, a customized treatment plan is designed to meet the needs of those suffering from the consequences of substance abuse.

Our outpatient programs provide our patients with educational groups, individual counseling, and family counseling. These programs usually require patients to attend their various therapy sessions a couple of days a week—usually three—for as little as two hours a day. With regular access to counselors, mental health professionals, and physicians, we here at Tulua Health provide our patients with a variety of California resources and support to overcome their addictions.

How Affordable is Outpatient Treatment?

Paying for addiction care should never be a deterrent to seeking help. Besides, the cost of health-related consequences due to sustained addiction is often much higher than the cost of treatment for a substance use disorder. In fact, individuals with addiction in Los Angeles County, are 12 times more likely to develop life-threatening illnesses over time, such as liver cirrhosis and pneumonia.

That said, outpatient addiction treatment is typically more affordable than inpatient care. Many insurance companies will even also cover a portion of the cost of addiction treatment services.

At Tulua Health, we want to get you the help you need. Our admissions specialists will work with you to find out if your insurance provider covers the cost of addiction treatment.

Recovering with Tulua Health

If you are struggling with addiction, outpatient treatment may be the right option for you. Outpatient services offer a flexible schedule and are typically more affordable than inpatient care.

These programs are especially helpful for patients who have a support system to return home to every day. If you feel that you or a loved one would benefit from one of our outpatient care programs, contact us today. Your journey to recovery and a drug-free future starts now.

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